Terms & Conditions
    To help you get the best out of DanceWithUs.co.uk and to understand our responsibilities to you and your responsibilities to us, please read the following terms and conditions. The language used should make these terms and conditions as clear as possible. The following policies exist to safeguard the well-being of our pupils and ensure that our Dance School's good name continues to be associated with high-quality teaching and enjoyment of dance. DanceWithUs.co.uk reserves the right to refuse class entry if these rules are not complied with. The studio will review and amend its policies on a regular basis and advise parents and pupils to read this document thoroughly to ensure a clear understanding is gained. Please contact a member of our team if you require further information.
    DanceWithUs.co.uk Terms and Conditions aim to present a fair, sustainable structure to all. We aim to provide the highest quality classes for all our customers.

    We are committed to the safety of all persons who attend our lessons and to delivering the highest standard of service.

    Participating in the DanceWithUs.co.uk class is entirely at your own risk without any proven negligence, breach of duty of care or lack of due diligence by DanceWithUs.co.uk. DanceWithUs.co.uk, Darja Bardo, DanceWithUs.co.uk employees and/or contractors will not assume responsibility for any bodily or personal injury consisting of or arising out of, any participation in any physical training or athletic activity.
    The information we require upon registration contains personal data. DanceWithUs.co.uk will record, process and keep your personal information secure in accordance with General Data Protection. If your child is taking an ISTD, LCM or Acrobatic Arts exam, or dance competitions, these boards will require the child’s name, date of birth (DOB) and ethnicity. Our local council will also require this information if your child takes part in our shows.
    1. In order for a place to be kept open for your child in our classes, payment is required monthly in advance, by subscription only.
    2. Signing up through our website and setting up a subscription is the only registration and payment method DanceWithUs.co.uk will accept. We are no longer able to accept cash, cheques, monthly BACS payments, or fast-track payments.
    3. We reserve the right to make changes to these amounts and/or collection date if necessary. In this case, you will be given notice via email prior to collection.
    4. Fees are reviewed annually.
    5. The system we use is ClassForKids. All registrations and payments are set up through our website which links to this system.
    6. Payment will be taken from the account you specify on 1st/2nd of every month. Failure to make payments on time may result losing your place in chosen class(es). If you are having trouble paying, please speak to a member of our team and we will do our best to help.
    7. Prices are based on 42 weeks’ worth of classes and pro-rated over 11 months.
    8. There is an annual membership fee of £10 per person, to cover the setting up of each student on our system/insurances and licensing.
    9. The subscription system ensures everyone pays on time as previously, 70% of fees were paid very late to DanceWithUs.co.uk, with some not being paid at all.
    10. Fees and event payments are non-refundable
    11. All fees are inclusive of VAT.
    1. Should your child wish to cancel one of their classes, we require one month’s written notice via email and fees. (hello.dancewithus@gmail.com)
    2. Any classes that fall under 5 students in total will be subject to being cancelled.
    3. All unattended lessons are still payable. Substitute lessons can be arranged where applicable.
    1. DanceWithUs.co.uk branded merchandise is available to order from the front desk. Leotards, tights, shoes etc can also be bought from local dance shops and online retailers.
    2. No jewellery or accessories to be worn to DanceWithUs.co.uk classes for obvious safety reasons.
    3. Uniform must be worn at every session
    4. Hair should be in a neat and tidy ponytail or bun.
    5. Any student wishing to take part in our performances will be required to purchase/ hire costumes, tickets etc.
    1. DanceWithUs.co.uk aim to provide the very best training. We will implement fun and discipline to do this. If we feel that any student is being disruptive on a regular basis we will issue a verbal warning. If this continues, we will speak to parent or guardian about the matter.
    2. Promotional pictures and footage will be taken throughout the year during classes; we will require a written request if you do NOT wish for your child to take part. We may also work in collaboration with outside media companies in line with our data protection policy.
    3. Our annual performance will be recorded professionally. Personal cameras and recording equipment are not permitted.
    4. Any student found using a mobile phone will have the phone confiscated and returned at the end of the session. Mobiles aren’t permitted inside the studio, unless being used for learning purposes.
    5. We advise that your child does not bring any valuables (i.e. phones, jewellery etc.) with them to the classes. DanceWithUs.co.uk do not accept any liability for lost or damaged belongings. Any belongings should have child’s name clearly marked.
    6. No child will be allowed to leave the building without a parent/guardian (unless arranged otherwise). Your child’s safety is paramount to us.
    7. DanceWithUs.co.uk cannot be held responsible for any injuries incurred during dance class. Teachers will ensure students are learning and progressing in a safe manner.
    8. If you are going to be late to pick your child up, you must make contact the studio to inform us. Late pick up charges will apply. Phone: 07738732668
    9. We have a 5-class pass option which allows students to pay for 5 classes and participate in as many classes as they like (space permitting) Please check class availability before booking.
    10. If you wish to add/drop a class, this must be confirmed in writing by emailing hello.dancewithus@gmail.com, then amending via your ClassForKids account.
    1. Unruly, disruptive behaviour in class will not be tolerated. We have a strict antibullying policy in place and expect our students to always adhere to this.
    2. We believe in teaching boundaries and setting a good example in line with our positive ethos to build our student’s confidence.
    3. Our staff will not tolerate abusive or disruptive behaviour from students or parents. We will treat everyone with respect and appreciate the same in return.
    4. If a child/parent displays consistent unruly or aggressive behaviour, this could result in termination of class membership.
    1. Any medical conditions must be disclosed upon registration, and the responsibility falls on you, the parent/guardian, to update us when necessary thereafter. It is imperative that we are always fully aware of any health implications, for your child’s safety and your own peace of mind.
    2. DanceWithUs.co.uk communication is made via email and social media. Please ensure you follow our social media platforms for recent updates and continue to check spam/junk email folders. Other important information can be found on our noticeboards. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to keep up to date with all relevant information regarding their child.
    3. From time to time, it will be essential for physical contact to take place between the teacher and student/peers. We always encourage safe practice and support students in doing so.
    4. In the event of a session being cancelled due to conditions out with our control, fees will be non-refundable.
    5. All events are a choice, therefore, show participation is not compulsory.

    From time to time, it is necessary for the teachers to use physical contact when helping to improve pupils’ posture or assist in movements. This includes physical contact between students, i.e. holding hands.


    Participating in acro dance involves inherent risks and hazards. By participating in this class, you freely accept and fully assume all such risks, dangers, and hazards and the possibility of personal injury or loss resulting from such risks and hazards.


    We always have a first-aider on site in our classes who will provide basic first aid. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you authorise DanceWithUs.co.uk to seek medical services in case of serious injury or illness if you cannot be contacted.


    Pupils are required to attend class wearing the correct uniform and hairstyle.

    Acro Dance: Crop top of tight t-shirt and leggings or shorts. Hairstyle - dance bun, plait or ponytail.

    Ballet: Leotard, ballet tights and ballet slippers. Hairstyle - dance bun, plait or ponytail.

    Commercial: T-shirt and leggings or joggers, sports shoes. Hairstyle - put hair up for girls.

    Commercial Heels: T-shirt and leggings or shorts, heels or sports shoes. Hairstyle - any.

    Jazz: Crop top or tight t-shirt and leggings or shorts. Hairstyle - dance bun, plait or ponytail.

    DanceWithUs.co.uk has a commitment to ensuring that the equipment and activities are valuable and worth to everyone regardless of race, culture, language, gender, age, experience, religion, background, ability or disability.
  • COVID-19
    1. Given the current climate, we will continue to follow government guidelines regarding the coronavirus situation and do everything necessary to ensure the safe running of the studios for both staff and students.
    2. DanceWithUs.co.uk has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of Covid- 19; however, DanceWithUs.co.uk cannot guarantee that you or your child(ren) will not become infected with the virus. Further, attending DanceWithUs.co.uk could increase your risk and your child(ren)’s risk of contracting Covid-19.
    3. Families and students attending DanceWithUs.co.uk acknowledge the contagious nature of Covid-19 and voluntarily assume the risk that they may be exposed to or infected by Covid-19 and agree to assume all the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any illness, of any kind, they may experience from attendance at DanceWithUs.co.uk.
    4. Students/families should not attend classes if they are showing any symptoms such as a fever, cough, or congestion.
    5. Students/families should not attend classes if any relatives, living in the same household, have been diagnosed with Covid-19 or are showing symptoms and should only return once the appropriate isolation period has ended. We trust that our families will respect this matter and always do the right thing by following any rules we have in place.
    6. Adults are not permitted to be inside our premises to limit the chance of the virus spreading.
  • By enrolling my son/daughter into DanceWithUs.co.uk, I confirm that I accept the above terms and conditions/policies.

    If you have any questions or anything you would like to discuss further, please email Darja Bardo who will be happy to help - hello.dancewithus@gmail.com

    With thanks,
    DanceWithUs.co.uk Team

    Up to date from 28/08/2024

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